
The trip to Dalhousie is a long one if you are heading from Delhi. It usually involves taking an overnight train to Pathankot about 10 hr and then a 2–3 hr drive from Pathankot to Dalhousie. The options for overnight trains are Delhi-Pathankot or Delhi-Chakki Bank train. Chakki Bank is only 4 km away from Pathankot which gives you the pleasure of being on train at right time around 9PM and being in Chakki Bank at morning (06:30AM.

There are frequent bus services from Pathankot to Dalhousie, which cost 70 Rs., as well as one bus a day from Delhi. A taxi from Pathankot will set you back between 800 unoffical to 1350 offical taxi Rupees.

The nearest airports are:

Pathankot at 75 km, with one flight from Delhi to Pathankot and back. However, in case of fog, it gets cancelled.

Jammu, at 180 km. There are regular flights from Jammu to Delhi and many other destinations.

Amritsar airport is 5 hrs away by bus.

There are also local buses to Kangra, Dharamsala 7:15AM, 155 Rs., Khajjiar and Chamba. For example, Going for a local bus from Kangra to Dalhousie will take only Rs 150/- per ticket and will give some best scenic views on the way. You will also get a chance to interact with local people on the way who are nice. Seeing villages having merely 5-10 houses in the middle of mountains is a good experience.